Christians Against Poverty' are passionate about releasing people in our nation from a life sentence of debt, poverty and its causes. CAP offers several different services. 

Since the organisation was founded in 1996, it has been best known for offering free debt counselling for people in financial difficulty.Since 2021, Trinity Chippenham hosts a designated CAP Debt Centre; a free service set up to help bring hope, and release individuals and families from debt. It is managed by Maria, who is one of our regulars. You don't have to be a Christian for us to help you.  

To find out more about CAP visit

We are so thankful to Wiltshire Community Foundation and Chippenham Borough Lands Charity for significant funding that helped us launch the Chippenham CAP Centre.
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CAP provides free, expert debt advice, and will help you understand your options and choose the best route for you to become debt free.  If you are struggling with unmanageable debt, you can ring our New Enquiries Team on 0800 328 0006 to get booked in with your local centre.  

For more information about our debt help service click here and to look at our latest Client Report click here
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We are really pleased to announce that we are now providing CAP Life Skills in Chippenham. 

CAP Life Skills comprises of: 

Course - An 8-week course based on essential life skills, from money management and organizational skills, right through to health and wellbeing, and building positive relationships. It includes how to eat healthily on a low income, and decision-making.
Community - We focus on building a community group, where we can learn from each other. This can help reduce isolation and loneliness.
Coaching - There is an opportunity for 1-2-1 informal coaching support, helping members to set goals and identify and tackle areas they struggle with.

To find out more about CAP Life Skills please click here, and to book yourself onto the next course or for further details, please ring Maria Baker on 07862 346776 or email
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Money coaching courses are free and designed to empower everyone with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage finances. Anyone can benefit – from seasoned budgeting experts to those struggling to get to grips with their spending. The course is usually over 3 sessions (2 hours each) and the topics covered include: 
  • How to build and balance a household budget. 
  • Learn how to structure your finances using a system proven to work 
  • Find ways to save more and get the most out of your spare cash
  • Learn how to use credit wisely and navigate unmanageable debt
  • Explore the difference between essential and optional expenses, and find ways to realistically cut costs
  • Unlimited access to a mobile-friendly budget worksheet.
To find out more click here and to book your place contact Nick Childerhouse on 07731 864691 or email 
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CAP Cafe
Our CAP Cafe is every Wednesday morning (10am - 12pm) at Station Hill Baptist Church. We offer free refreshments, crafts, children's activities and games each week, and there is always a warm welcome and a chance to chat.  On a drop-in basis, we offer an opportunity for a confidential chat with one of our debt or money coaches for those struggling with their finances.

Maria Baker

Debt Centre Manager

Miriam Ovens


Dave Jeffery


Tim Jones


Andy Cordle


  •  30/04/2025 10:30 AM - 30/04/2025 11:30 AM
  •   Station Hill Baptist Church, 4 Station Hill, Chippenham, SN15 1EG

Meeting for 5 weeks, this is a revolutionary money management course that teaches budgeting skills, using a simple system that really works. To book yourself onto our next course starting on Wednesday 30th April, please contact Nick Childerhouse on 07731864691

  •  07/06/2025 11:30 AM - 07/06/2025 02:30 PM
  •   St Paul's Church Hall, Chippenham

Come and enjoy a free picnic/bbq and pick up some clothes. The whole family is welcome with activities for children on the day.