​​​​We love having a church full of children on a Sunday! When we are all able to be together, the building is full of energetic kids enjoying each other's company and having fun. Our desire is to see all the children in TC growing towards adulthood with a deep awareness of who God is so they can personally respond to his love for them in faith and trust. We do this mainly through a weekly children's program which runs during the Sunday service, as well as occasional events and activities throughout the year. 

Our aim is that every child is included, is able to learn about Jesus in a way that is relevant to their life, and really enjoys their time at Trinity Chippenham. 

Please come a few minutes before the service begins to meet the leaders of the children's work and see where they will be meeting during Sunday church. You should be able to spot all the TC Tots and TC Kids leaders from their ID lanyards. Please feel free to approach any of them, or one of the Welcome Team, to ask questions.
Breakout Space
In the first classroom along the corridor we have a breakout space for those who may prefer a quiet environment. We have the livestream of the church service shown on a large screen. There are also a few sensory toys available should this be helpful for regulation. Parents with young children under 2 are welcome to use this space with their little ones, or they can choose to stay in the service. 
TC Tots
For children aged 2- 4 years (preschool) we have TC Tots in the second classroom. This group runs during the service for approximately 1 hour, from the intermission to the end of the serivce. The TC Tots leader teaches a short Bible story and prepares a snack, fun crafts, and activities, supported by helpers, as well as allowing time for supervised free play with toys. 
TC Kids
We have two TC Kids groups: TC Kids 1, for children aged 4-7 (Reception to Year 2), and TC Kids 2, for children aged 7-11 (Year 3 to Year 6), meeting in the third and fourth classrooms along the corridor. The TC Kids groups include Bible teaching, games, activities, and crafts. We sometimes head outside in the summer months for games in the tennis courts outside. 
Safety is a top priority for us, so every volunteer is fully vetted and DBS checked. We have a safeguarding team and run regular update training for all the volunteers working with our children. Our DBS checks are processed by ThirtyOne:Eight and we use training resources and best practice guidelines from this accredited organisation.